The unique properties of the Mosqueta Rosehip Oil were discovered during a study carried out by the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacology of the University of Concepción in Chile. This study  was aimed at testing the healing properties of the Mosqueta Rosehip Oil in 200 patients with scars due to surgery, burns and other conditions that cause premature aging of the skin. The results were amazing. The daily application of this oil effectively attenuated scars and wrinkles, and helped rejuvenate the skin.
Among its many properties the Mosqueta Rosehip Oil:
- Moisturizes aged skin.
- Attenuates and delays the appearance of wrinkles.
- Reduces expression lines caused by age.
- Prevents and conceals stretch marks due to its high moisturizing power.
- Effective in the treatment of burn scars.
- Regenerates the skin that has suffered burns or has been subjected to radiotherapy.
- Prevents sun burns.
- Diminishes scars caused by acne.
- Improves atopic dermatitis.
- Helpful in the treatment of surgical scars and keloids (after the removal of stitches).
- Indicated for the treatment of melanoma.
- Treatment of ulcers and sores, especially decubitus and vascular.
- Treatment of dry skin and eczema.
- Ability to distribute skin pigmentation (it can eliminate skin spots).
- Has a high nutritional value for the dermis.
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The pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisanan affects the melanin, thus allowing preventive action against photo-aging and skin cancer.
From a cosmetic medical point of view, the benefits are many. This oil rejuvenates the skin and reduces wrinkles, fine expression lines and red stretch marks. It nourishes the dermis and maintains its smoothness and luminosity. It provides a deep level of hydration, what makes it the perfect complement to combat free radicals.
The pure oil of Mosqueta Rosehip Nativa by Irisana is one of the few cosmetics that play a fundamental role in the medical treatment of specific skin problems. The oil affects virtually all the biological functions that occur at the cellular level in the skin. These include:
It facilitates the penetration to the deeper layers of the skin of the active components in the oil itself and those of any other product that we apply together or immediately after. This effect makes it a powerful enhancer and the perfect vehicle for any other cosmetic, when used as a base for the cosmetic or simply by adding a few oil drops to it per application. Hide
Activation of cell metabolism.
It gives cells all the energy they need to perform their functions at full capacity, maintaining the cell metabolism active and avoiding the gradual atrophy of their mechanisms. Hide
Storage of fatty acids in the cell membrane.
The fatty acids which are not consumed or used by the body to repair some damage or deal with a shortage are stored in the cell membrane as a "reserve"of linoleic and linolenic acids. These acids are essential because the body needs them but cannot synthesize them itself, and therefore, they must be supplied through cosmetics or food. The importance of these two acids in this process is that their presence is indispensable for the formation of cell walls. Thus, a lack of them would lead to a slowdown in the process of cell regeneration, while by using the "reserve" provided by the application of Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisana, the supply of the raw material needed for the cell regeneration is ensured.
Antioxidant and anti-free radicals.
Linoleic and Linolenic acids are known in medicine as Vitamin F. The Vitamins E and F contained in this oil have important antioxidant and anti-free radical properties. When they are stored in the cell membrane, they form a protective "cushion", so the moment oxidizing agents attack the skin, it is the acids and vitamins stored in the cell membrane that are oxidized, thus protecting other more important elements of our body. Hide
• Activation of the three levels of skin hydration.
This feature makes the Mosqueta Rosehip Oil the most powerful moisturizer known. Therefore, it is useful in extreme cases of skin so dehydrated that the action of moisturizing cosmetics is not enough. Hide
Acceleration and regulation of the rate of cell regeneration
The Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisana increases the ability of cellular regeneration of the tissues, as a result of the acceleration of epithelial differentiation, by regulating the rate of skin secretions, so that they are not excessive or deficient and ensuring an increased thickness of the epidermis with a cell structure arranged in perfect order. Hide
Marked anti-inflammatory action
It performs an important action and is very useful in many treatments in which there is tissue inflammation or congestion of the area as a result of microtrauma caused by cosmetic treatments at a beauty salon (electrolysis, laser hair removal, laser resurfacing, micropigmentation etc.). Hide
Effect on the immune system by activating the body's defence mechanisms.
The fatty acids contained in the oil facilitate the synthesis of arachidonic acid, which once transformed by the specific enzymes, will become essential hormones as the protaglandins, leukotrienes and thromboxanes. The effects of these hormones comprise virtually every one of the biological functions of the skin and especially the process of activating the immune defence mechanisms. Hide
Acceleration of the microvascularity rate
When vasodilation and angiogenesis take place, there is an increase in the flow of oxygen-carrying red blood cells, which combined with the lymphatic system causes the elimination of toxins and impurities, thus making the skin more luminous. . Hide
• Depigmentation effect on photoaging spots
It acts directly on the causes which make such spots appear: the increase and disorderly concentration of the number of cells in the stratum corneum and the increase in the synthesis of the melanin, which gets trapped between groups of cells arranged in an atrophic way, forming "clumps". Hide
Increase in the synthesis of collagen and elastin of the body
This is due to the increase in the number and activity of the fibroblasts of the dermis which are responsible for the synthesis of these two proteins. At the same time the synthesis of others (such as keratin or certain enzymes that degrade collagen) decreases, which results in an increase in the quantity and quality of collagen and elastin, key proteins in the consistency of connective tissue and the degree of skin elasticity. Hide
The products with Mosqueta Rosehip Oil and cosmetic derivatives which include it in their formula are applied topically about 2-3 times a day. Being a carrier oil, it is recommended for use strictly on the dermis, not on mucous membranes (genitals, mouth…), eyes or internal use.
To help absorb the oil, a light circular massage should be performed on the treated area (for example, on the face we will use our fingertips ) and it will depend if we use the pure oil or an oil-containing cosmetic (soap, cream for stretch marks…).
The results are usually seen after the first month. Note that results are not the same with a fresh scar than with an old one. It should be clear that there will not always be an immediate solution to our problem because every person is different even if we talk about fine lines or deep lines or types of stretch marks. For some types of scars no results will show before 8 weeks. In the case of pregnant women it is recommended to massage the breasts and abdomen gently during the last three months of pregnancy to prevent stretch marks.
All the benefits derived from the application of pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisana can be explained by the effect of one or more of these actions. Since these affect all the key processes of the organism, rather than a product aimed at an specific treatment, the oil is a tool with multiple applications which in the hands of a professional can offer unprecedented results.
From the commercial point of view, the Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisana is a milder and better alternative to some other treatments based on tretinoin, retinol or derivatives of vitamin A, because it does not irritate the skin.
The Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisana has an excellent healing power and the ability to deeply moisturize, nourish and regenerate the skin.
Therefore, its applications are many, among the most important:
- The attenuation of wrinkles and scars.
- Healing areas affected by burns..
- Diminishing sunspots or marks caused by acne, chicken pox….
- Delaying the aging of the skin.
- Cosmetic (for wrinkles, dark circles….).
- Moisturizing the driest areas in the body (hands, elbows, knees, heels…).
The oil is odourless and is easily absorbed. For maximum benefit, the oil must be pure.

Specific applications
The Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisana is a totally natural oil, with highly beneficial properties for skin care, both during pregnancy and after childbirth. It prevents stretch marks, helps avoid an episiotomy and promotes healing in cases of Caesarean section.
Its application to the skin during pregnancy, by gently massaging the abdomen, buttocks and breasts (not the nipples), helps prevent stretch marks as well as moisturize and nourish the skin deeply.
During the last weeks of pregnancy it can be applied to the perineal area with a gentle massage. This will make the area more flexible and elastic. At the time of the delivery, the dilation of the area will be easier, thus reducing the risk of needing an episiotomy.
The aim of the perineal massage is to reduce the incidence of perineal trauma, providing elasticity and toning the pelvic floor muscles. It should be performed after week 34th of the gestation, approximately three times a week, for about ten minutes. If it feels uncomfortable, better do it four times a week but for less time.
The way to do it correctly is as follows:
- Wash hands thoroughly.
- Find a comfortable position.
- If it is a self-massage, it is easier to use the thumb (place your leg on a stool and you will be able to do it comfortably with the opposite hand). For the partner, it will be easier to use the index and middle finger.
- Lubricate your fingers with some oil.
- Insert fingers in the vagina, about 3-4 cm.
- Press the perineal area down and then sideways with a rocking motion.
- With the finger at the entrance of the vagina, press downward and keep it for two minutes or until it feels uncomfortable.
- Slide your finger from the bottom of the vagina outwards and inwards, for two minutes.
- Take the vaginal area between the thumb and the other fingers (like a clip) and make a sawing motion from side to side to stretch the entry tissue for 2 or 3 minutes.
During the post-partum period, its use is strongly recommended in the case of stitches, either from an episiotomy or a Caesarean section. The Mosqueta Rosehip Oil promotes the regeneration of the affected area, so healing is faster. Apply it on the scar with a gentle massage several times a day.
During perineal massage you should observe the following precautions:
- Avoid pressing the opening of the urethra so as not to cause any urinary infections.
- If there is a previous episiotomy or a tear, pay special attention to the scar tissue, which does not stretch as easily, and may require more work.
- Never massage if you have active herpes-type injuries, as it can spread.
Recommendations in the post-partum:
- If it was a vaginal delivery with an episiotomy:
- Wash the episiotomy twice a day with mild soap and water.
- Apply the oil until it heals.
- When the lochia stops:
- Apply Mosqueta Rosehip Oil on the outside scar.
- In the evening, apply a few drops of Mosqueta Rosehip Oil inside the vagina.
- If it was a Caesarean section, once the staples have been removed, apply the oil twice a day, massaging the scar gently with rotating movements. The results:
- It helps with a speedy recovery.
- It reduces inflammation.
- It promotes healing.
- It improves flexibility and stability: it benefits sexual relations later.
- It provides physical wellbeing to the woman.
Anti-aging action
The pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil is one of the most effective tools to combat photo-aging. The best results are obtained with continual daily application (twice a day, morning and evening), so although we are talking about a product that is useful in different cabin treatments, it is mainly intended for its use at home, as part of beauty and skincare routines.
Comprehensive anti-aging therapies are based on preserving the optimal functioning of our body by keeping it as active as possible, thus avoiding the gradual atrophy of its mechanisms of action and reaction (preventive aspects) and providing the raw material needed for such mechanisms to operate at full capacity, addressing the needs that your body may be presented with throughout life. In this way the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil acts both in the prevention and also in the fight against the effects of photo-aging.
Prevention focuses much of the concerns of the experts in the field. In fact, the problems of oxidation and the analysis of antioxidants is one of the issues that have attracted most attention in cosmetic chemical research. The Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisana has an important role as a highly effective barrier because of its antioxidant and anti-free radicals action: the fatty acids and vitamins provided by the oil, when not consumed by the body to cope with damage in a repair process, are stored in the cell membrane building up a protective cushion, in such a way that when fighting free radicals and anti-oxidant agents, it is these fatty acids and vitamins the ones that are oxidized to protect from damage other more important cellular elements. On the other hand, the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisana has an influence on virtually all biological functions that occur at the cellular level in the skin, activating cell metabolism as a whole and avoiding the atrophy of their action mechanisms. The local effect achieved by the topical application, together with the one it has on the whole organism as an infusion, attains unprecedented synergetic effects in the history of skin care.
The most visible external signs of photo-aging are dehydration, sagging, wrinkles, blemishes, lack of vitality etc. The pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil allows us to effectively act on each of these signs:
- Dehydration : The pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisana is acknowledged as one of the cosmetics with the highest moisturizing power. Skin properly moisturized retards the appearance of expression lines, in the same way as dry ground shows cracks in areas that have suffered years of drought, but not in areas where it rains at regular intervals.
- Wrinkles and Sagging: Aged skin is made up of old cells, while young skin is made up of young cells. The regular application of the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisana accelerates the rate of cellular regeneration which is natural to the organism, thereby facilitating the appearance of new cells which will replace those that are aging and dying, thus configuring an epithelial tissue consisting of young active cells. Besides if we add to the moisturizing effect the increased synthesis of collagen and elastin typical of the organism, which is produced as a result of the increased number and activity of the fibroblasts of the dermis, the result is a skin in which sagging, expression lines and wrinkles diminish, giving way to a smoother more elastic tissue, a thicker and better nourished stratum corneum and a greater consistency of the connective tissue.
- Photo-aging spots – Our skin has two main mechanisms of defence
- On the one hand, it initiates a process of rapid cell regeneration, which aims to increase the thickness of the stratum corneum fast and thus build a thicker protective cushion. The result is a cell structure arranged atrophically and in a disorderly way formed by flat cells with few reserves and low functionality. This is a common feature to all photo-aged skins.
- On the other hand, it increases the synthesis of melanin, which is the substance that gives pigment and colour to the skin and whose function is to serve as a protective filter. In healthy skin, formed by cells arranged in an orderly way like bricks in a wall, melanin flows freely between cells, giving a uniform colour to the skin. When the synthesis of melanin increases in a cell structure arranged in an atrophic disorderly way, it is possible that in some areas part of the melanin gets trapped among cells forming "clumps". These concentrations of melanin are what we call spots.
In this case, the Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisana acts by accelerating the migration cycle of the keratinocyte from the stratum basale to the stratum corneum, thus allowing a new generation of well nourished and perfectly orderly cells to replace the disorderly ones. By doing this, it lets the melanin flow freely between the cells, carrying away the excess of melanin that is not longer trapped between the basal keratinocytes.
- • Dull, devitalized skin – The pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil is a powerful activator of all cellular metabolism and at the same time it also provides metabolic energy, which greatly improves cell functionality, making the signs of devitalized skin disappear. Furthermore, this oil increases the rate of microvascularity. This achieves in the skin a similar effect to what occurs in an aquarium. In all aquaria, there is an entry of oxygen whose function is to keep the water clean and clear, so that if the oxygen supply is cut, the water will gradually cloud. Similarly, by increasing the rate or microvascularity, we increase the flow of oxygen-carrying cells in the skin and the increased flow of oxygen, combined with the lymphatic system, cleanses the skin of debris and impurities, and gives the skin more light. This becomes apparent within a few weeks. Thus, the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil Nativa by Irisana has proved to be one of the most effective tools in the fight against photo-aging on all fronts, both in the preventive aspects and in its ability to act against the main effects this has on the skin. Integrated in a comprehensive anti-aging therapy it gives unparalleled results.
Resurfacing treatments (facial rejuvenation)
Spring is a season of renewal, and skins damaged during the winter look for regeneration in beauty salons.
Peelings come back in force and the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil establishes itself as an effective element to improve results.
In recent years there have been several clinical tests that have demonstrated the important role of the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil in resurfacing treatments, conducted both with the application of AHAs and with laser. Therefore, the application of this oil is crucial before and after the treatment..
AHAs are known as alpha hydroxyl acids, a family that includes glycolic acid and lactic acid. They were developed around 1974 by scientists of Temple University who were seeking a cure for a skin disorder. Their main function is to enhance the exfoliation of the top layer of the skin, decongest and cleanse pores and also serve as humectants to moisturize the skin. They can even "retrace" the damage the sun has caused in the epidermis and increase the collagen and elastin production. They also help with hyper pigmentation, fine lines, freckles and so on. AHAs cannot be used with retinol or retinoids and need daily sunscreen in the morning as they increase sun sensitivity. These products have to be discarded after 6 months because they deteriorate.
Glycolic acid is one of the AHAs most commonly used as a cell regenerator. However, it is not a regenerator itself, as it works through "aggression". That is, the acid causes a chemical controlled aggression – a burn – in the skin, so as to force the affected tissue to make a repair effort increasing the cellular regeneration. To make this extra effort, the skin will require a large amount of linoleic and linolenic acids (responsible for the formation of cell walls and whose presence is essential for cell regeneration to take place). In some people, the available levels of linoleic and linolenic acids are so low that their skin cannot cope with the regenerative effort needed to repair the damage caused by the AHA. In these cases, the skin develops an alteration that may sometimes affect the patient for life: the skin becomes extremely thin and hypersensitive as a result of having consumed all its reserves in the regenerative effort. This may happen in patients who have had medical peels more often than in those who have had a cosmetic peel, as the volumes and aggressiveness of medical treatments are higher. However, cosmetic treatments may have the same result if an error is made by exposing the skin to the AHA for too long..
Before treatment.Since it is not possible to know the levels of fatty acids of each client at the time of the treatment, unnecessary risk can be avoided with the application of pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil in the weeks before the cabin treatment. Indeed, one of its actions is to provide the linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, which through regular application are stored in the cell membrane forming a reserve of cellular protection against external aggressions. Thus, when there is an excessive aggression (a burn) provoked by the AHAs, it is the fatty acids that are consumed, in this way protecting from damage the other more important and harder to replace cellular elements. So, it is important to point out that in all treatments with AHAs it is highly advisable to prepare the skin with the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil.
Protecting the skin to ensure the proper process of cellular regeneration.
When the AHA burns the first layer of the skin – this is the layer that is damaged, aged, spotted, marked, scarred etc. to allow the emergence of a second layer. As in an onion, this layer appears clean, perfect, radiant but it is rather unprotected against the attacks of external agents. This lack of protection is what makes it possible for the sun rays to cause spots on the treated skin. In recent years, several medical congresses have discussed this concern, raising the need for greater emphasis on post-treatment care. That is, to pay more attention to the protection of a skin that has been left devoid of its reaction ability. In this case, the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil is the best complement to the AHA action, because after a chemical aggression to the skin, the best option is to protect and help regenerate the treated tissue with a natural product, whose main active constituent is the transretinoic acid, which gives the oil an important function as protection barrier and ensures an adequate level of cellular regeneration.
Currently, all the laboratories which market chemical peelings usually accompany them with a post-peeling product. These products are decongestant, soothing and moisturizing. In these treatments, the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil also ensures, besides a decongesting and mosturizing action, all the protective and regenerating contribution the skin needs after the treatment with AHAs. This contribution must be combined with the application of a total sunscreen for the first weeks. By applying the oil both before and after the treatment, it can help ensure the health of the skin.
Resurfacing with laser
Laser resurfacing treatments pursue the same aim as the chemical peeling with AHAs, though thanks to the higher power of the laser action they work at a deeper level, removing a thicker layer of skin. Therefore, it is the ideal treatment to eliminate deeper imperfections that could not be addressed in their entirety with chemical peel. In short, this treatment can only be performed by medical practitioners. The post-treatment is slow, uncomfortable and the patient's recovery may take several months. In these cases, the beautician with special training in Post-Traumatic Beauty can be a key factor in facilitating the normalization of the patient´s life, shortening the recovery time and ensuring the best results in the resurfacing action of the treatment. In this sense, the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil has great potential for its important barrier function and its high cell regeneration power.
Cosmetic treatment of hyperkeratosis of the skin
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The high power of moisturizing and the healing and cell regeneration properties of the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil make it an extremely effective tool in treating these problems in foot beauty treatments.
Hyperkeratosis. The human being is a tripod that rests on the heel and the heads of the first and fifth metatarsal. If there is a collapse of the arch of the foot, due to excess weight, the skin, which is not prepared for this, reacts by creating a callus or hyperkeratosis. The feet, subject to constant chaffing and pressure against the shoe can also keratinize, and that is what they do, either as a diffused mass in the heel and the front of the sole, or as hard areas at the level of the joint between the toes and the metatarsal. This is not a pathology but a natural mechanism of defence and protection that the skin develops before external aggression. As a defence against the damage received, the skin starts a process of cellular regeneration that aims to increase the thickness of the stratum corneum. This is because in areas under greater pressure, the cells die very quickly and, as they cannot be eliminated and regenerated at the same rate, they form a corny surface that serves as protection against rubbing.
The causes that may cause or contribute to the appearance of hyperkeratosis are:
- The use of the wrong footwear (too tight, pointed, high or too low, etc..).
- Crushing or extension of the curve of the foot sole or modification of the natural foot position in the footwear as a result of having had and accident, sprain or facture.
- Rubbing areas that the shoe can cause because of a poorly designed seam, a not smooth area, a very narrow vamp, an inappropriate size or a new or hard material. Any folds in the shoe material can also be traumatizing.
- The dryness of the feet, and the lack of vitality of the tissue as a result of poor circulation and excessive perspiration, favour its appearance. Even when the dryness is benign and does not present aesthetic problems, one should pay attention because any change means a threat to the physiological balance of the epidermis and the health of the feet.
The skin of the sole is naturally thick, but sensitive and capable of being easily irritated, which causes an abnormal increase in the corneal cells and thickness of the same. This, in its turn, may cause various unwanted effects. Among them the most important are the dryness and roughness processes of the stratum corneum, which favour the processes of cracks, calluses and corns, and the appearance of perspiration problems, caused by the formation of dead tissue.
Depending on the type of the skin there may be three different types of hardened skin:
- In dry skin, it is white, rough and very hard. It is easily removed with a file or lathe. When the hardened area is shiny and more or less thick, it indicates that the tissue is not vascularised, so inflammation can appear in persistent cases as well as cracks.
- In devitalized skins, in which the skin is very fine, the superficial hardened areas appear pale, red or purplish, while on the back of the foot they appear as brown spots. In this case the ankles tend to swell.
- In clammy skin, the hyperkeratosis is of the soft type, deep and macerated, and has a yellowish colour. When dealing with hyperkeratosis it is as important to address the causes that cause it as their effects on the feet.
The pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil provides its highly moisturizing healing power and cell regeneration property to help both in preventive treatments – as in cabin treatments – and in maintenance care which users should perform at home daily.
Prevention focuses on three fundamental aspects: On the one hand, trying to avoid as far as possible the aggression, pressure and rubbing on the foot, using comfortable footwear, made of soft material, reducing the height of the shoes, and avoiding footwear whose design exert pressure on the foot.
On the other hand, by giving the foot the cosmetic product necessary to help the natural functions of the skin in this area, thus avoiding the appearance of the characteristic effects of the hyperkeratosis. In this sense, massaging with the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil added to a suitable cream for each skin type will achieve a higher level of hydration, greater flexibility and increased capacity for cellular regeneration, which will prevent the accumulation of dead cells in the area, improve microcirculation and facilitate the formation of tissue more resistant to possible irritations and chaffing.
Finally, it is necessary to pay attention to regular beauty care through a pedicure done by professionals. It is desirable that the beautician refers the customer to a podiatrist in case of a pathology.
In the treatment of hyperkeratosis the three aims are: to restore flexibility, elasticity and smoothness to the dry skin and periodically remove hardened areas and protect the areas of friction.
The protocol of the work in the cabin consists of:
- • Disinfection of the skin using spray with rosemary alcohol.
- • Visual inspection and tactile examination to assess and detect any anomalies.
- • Application of emollient products based on urea, more carefully in hyperkeratotic areas and cracks. Without removing the product, eliminate calluses, rough areas and dead cells by mechanical action with a lathe, a scraper etc. At this point, care must be taken not to remove the whole of the hardened area, since by acting as padding it protects the area which otherwise would develop again in a few days.
- Proceed to make a peeling all over the foot.
- As a complement have a foot spa.
- Massage with pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil and a cream suitable to each skin type.
- Wrappers or a paraffin bath in case of no circulatory problems.
- Application of tea tree oil as prevention against bacteria and fungus. Do not dry.
- To restore the natural acidity of the foot skin and eradicate the manifestations of hyperkeratosis, apply Mosqueta Rosehip Oil on the problem areas to acidify, moisturize, nourish and soften the epidermis. Rub the oil on the cracks gently.
- Modify the static of the foot, through the use of insoles that make your body regain its normal balance (full or half insoles, protectors…).
- Daily use of appropriate footwear.
- Protection of areas of friction, using insoles, heel cushions or specific dressings.
- Periodic removal of hardened areas with a scraper after bathing. Have a peeling twice a week.
- Every night, apply the pure Mosqueta Rosehip Oil on the areas with calluses and cracks, massaging until completely absorbed.
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